Monday, May 3, 2010

Backyard Progress

Well I had a great weekend and I hope you did too. We celebrated our son's 20th birthday yesterday. I can't believe he's gotten that old. Time does fly. So happy birthday Seth.
Last fall Seth built me this great grape arbor. The posts that we had had simply rotted away and it had just been resting on the ground. It was time for a new home. So we pruned it back hard to retrain it and it's doing really well. By the end of the summer it will have probably filled the grape arbor or at least I'm hoping. I'm also hoping it will provide shade for the guest house as that end of it faces west.
But it seems that another little being thought it would make a good home. It's pretty amazing that this grape arbor should already provide shelter in it's first year. I think it's great. A little morning dove has made her nest here.
We've already got a few things blooming in our garden and we hope to have more. We've actually had spring here. Usually we're into the 80s and staying there by now and climbing. But just the other day I had the heater on. Couldn't believe it. Almost May and the heater on. I know some of you are still using your heaters full time, but that's a rarity for us where we live. So I thought I would share progress on our very sad backyard. Hubby has promised to rent a rototiller while he's off the next 2 weeks and finally level the backyard. Yeah! I'm so excited. I would love to have grass again. The contractor who built the guest house just left our backyard a mess. It was beautiful before that. Those little bobcats can do quite a number on your landscape.

I hope to be working on my kitchen this week. I am determined to get it finished. So hopefully I'll be posting pictures later this week of this area that will finally be completed.
Hope you all have a great week!
{{HUGS}} Amanda

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