Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Just a little lettered project

So I'm wondering, do you struggle to come up with catchy titles for your posts? I'm just curious. I suppose that's a holdover from the essay writing days when I had to have a title for my English essays. I could just go title-less. Is that rebellious?
Enough wondering. I've been busy trying to finish all those little things that just never seemed to have gotten done when we redid the kitchen. I have a hard time with all the finishing details. Hey, close enough to done, let's just use it and live with it. But I do so like it all finished, just not the tedious chore of finishing it. I would probably be labeled ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder)  if I was a student now a days. ;-)
I did finish a little project that I thought I would share with you today. I've had the letters for at least a year now. Pondering which paper to use. I went back and forth between something floral or fruit or polka dots or whatever. I finally settled for Graphic 45's Domestic Goddess paper line. Just fell in love with it. Now to figure out where I want to put it. I've got some ideas brewing. I just used Mod Podge to adhere the paper to the letters. Super duper easy. The letters I bought at Michaels.
I'll be out of town for the next two weekends so I won't get anything done. Drats! But I do hope you all have spectacular weekends. Wonderful Mothers' Day for those whom that applies to.

{{HUGS}} Amanda


Maria | Vintage Simple said...

Oh, I love titles... But yes, it is hard o come up with them sometimes. Perhaps because blogging sometimes feels a little bit like journal writing and you wouldn't tile those, I guess.

Nice job with your project!

Have a good weekend and mother's day,

Anonymous said...

I did it!!! I love your letters! Belinda

Rue said...

Hi Amanda :)

That turned out so cute!

I hope you're having fun while you're away :)
